Monday, 7 April 2014

week2 recovery

mon: 45mins spin/20min run on fatigued legs
tue: 2x1k, 1x1k off 10mins. Plus 400m reps off descending recoveries.
wed: 45spin (2sets under/overs)/20min run on fatigued legs
thur: 1hr body pump, 1hr easy paced running
fri: 30mins at about 80% max hr
sat: 20k on whw with brendan, out and back from milngavie back via mugdock.
sun: 9k easy with elsie

total 62km running
8hr15min total training

Usual monday of spin and run back from gym. Tuesday was the big one, the 1st post brain explosion attempt at some speedwork. So far I have only managed easy paced running, I haven't felt able to inject a bit of pace into the legs yet. I decided I was ready to try the session at Virgin Gym's tuesday run group. The session was 3x 2km reps at 10k pace, but for me it was really just a see what the legs will do sort of session.  Kevin advised just doing it at an aerobic effort but it is so difficult to keep the heart rate down I thought I might as well run it hardish to see how the body responded.  I could only manage around  4.20/km -about a minute per k slower than I would have been doing it previously. Heart rate was over 90% of max all the way. The only positive spin on that is plenty of room for improvement.  Weirdly it didn't feel like a 90% of max effort, normally that involves breathing through every oriface but this felt easier.  Did long run with Brendan again on saturday, similar distance as last week but went off road for a wee jaunt on the west highland way.  Legs still feeling sore after this distance.  Feels weird when the old weekend long ones would be 3 or 4 hours -suddenly I have free time at the weekends, hope I don't get used to this.

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