Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Glenmore 24 2014, a sleep deprived race report

(This was written in a sleep deprived state the night after the race, I might come back and do a more considered race blog later)

You always think you are going to get an amazing nights sleep after running a 24hour race, but it never quite works out like that. I can't move my legs a millimetre in any direction without yelping in pain, so in the absense of sleep i might as well rustle up a race report. It's around 48hours since i last slept so expect spelling errors, factual innacuracies and flights of fancy. It's possible none of this actualy happened, but if that is the case i can always play the brain haemorrhage defense trump card.

So, Glenmore 24 hour trail race.  I won this race back in 2012. It's the only race i've ever won, and that was quite exciting. So when i entered the 2014 race back in november I was hoping the big boys would stay at home and I could win another shiny trophy. I guess like my Bella team mate Greig Gleindinning I am a bit of a pot hunter. Although his technique is to find 10k races in obscure borders towns to win, my version is to find stupidly long races where you can win by being the last person to get bored of running around in circles. Well, I jest, you do need a bit of training, but a low boredom threshold will take you a long way in 24 hour racing.

In Feburary the aforementioned sub arachnoid brain haemorrhage occured (try spelling that after 48 hours with no sleep) which kind of blew a hole in my training. Most of Feburary was spent enjoying the facilities on ward 65 at the Southern General and much of March was spent napping and trying to remember what I'd had for breakfast. By April I had got fed up of googling brain haemorrhage to 5k training plans and started doing a little bit of running, I even ventured out for a few hill races. My lack of fitness was apparent, I could no longer keep up with bellas's resident mountain goat al ewan and had to resort to giving the v60 ladies a run for their money. By may i was back at work and i was running regularly but very slowly. By june most of the fatigue and headaches I had been having were starting to wear off and I was starting to feel like normal. It was at this stage that Glenmore became important to me, I felt that if I had a decent run there it would be the final stage in getting my life fully back to how it was before the brain haemorrhage (end of the serious bit, stay with me there is some toilet stuff coming soon).

Over june, july and august i got 3 decent months of training in but that doesnt make very interesting reading so lets just cut to the startline...

We are in a field near Aviemore. Its cold and it's raining and I'm about to spend the next 24hours running laps of a 4 mile trail loop. I'm starting to seriously question my life choices. Is this really so important to me, couldn't I just have done Parkrun? The gun is fired and we trot off on our 1st lap past loch morlich and I immediatly start to remember why I love this race. A lot of people think lapped races are boring. But there is a really elegent simplicity about them. All external complications like navigation and carrying food are stripped away and it just becomes about the process of moving one foot in front of the other. You pushing your body to the limit, how far can you go in 24 hours?
Or at least this is the kind of bullshit you have to keep telling yourself in a 24 hour race to stop yourself nipping off for a bag of chips and an early night in a warm bed.

My 2012 race had been punctuated by stomach problems in the early stages -"stomach problems" tends to be the euphemism of choice in race reports for massive exploding bottom issues (I believe my effort of 4 poos in the first four laps is still a race record).  However there was no such drama this time around, which is a bit of a disappointment as all race reports need a good poo story, hence me revisiting past glories. Instead the main theme for the 2014 glenmore 24 was rain. There was was rain, thunder, and hail in varying quantities. But this is Aviemore in September, you don't come here for the weather, so you just have to suck it up and get on with it. And thats what I did, I ran, walked and shuffled for 24 hours. And I loved every minute of it, which I guess marks me down as some sort of weirdo, but there was a load of other weirdos out there doing the same thing which makes it even more fun.

So I'm actually getting pretty tired now so I wont give you a blow by blow account- I might come back and do that later. Lets just have some race stats: i managed 124 miles in the 24 hours...a bit less than 129 in 2012 But enough for 2nd place behind the rampaging Johnny Fling who also gets bonus points for running most of the race in his underwear.
Result: a wee trophy, a pair of socks and a congratulatory snog from RD Bill Heirs. It doesn't get much better than that. 
Bonus comedy moment at the end came when the race doctor came and saw me because he was worried about my fat hands. Fat hands? I've never been so offended.  He tried to make me wave them in the air to help the fluid drain away.  I explained the girls at the water station had been making me do that while singing "Reach for the stars" for the last 6 hours anyway. Without that who knows how fat my hands would have been.

So that was that then, a good day out. I think 124 miles means we can put this Brain Haemorrhage stuff to bed now.  Oh and I'd better end by giving a special mention to Elsie who devoted her weekend to ultra support duties.  Duties which included watching me smear my bum crack with vaseline.

She is a very special lady.


  1. Great blog Grant, some super one-liners. Have you considered an award-winning run at the Edinburgh Fringe? Congrats on the comeback run, great to see you back.

  2. Tired, seized and sore, doesn't it feel wonderful being back to normal.
    Fiona xx

  3. Brilliant write up - hilarious, don't you just love this glamorous sport? Glad that you are back to normal, happy days :)

  4. thanks andy/angela, and fione yes tired, seized and sore does feel wonderful! the right kind of tired, seized and sore.
